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Drrive is always looking for business partners and we are happy that we caught your attention! We can offer you additional advertising space in a complete new way. So what exactly can we do for you? Do we have your attention? Let’s create your challenge!
We brand a challenge with your Corporate Design and CI elements. Furthermore we will display the location of your stores on our map, so we make sure that your customers find the closest one
Challenges we offer are competitions for car drivers who compete each other with the goal to increase their driving safety and experience. We do this by using sophisticated algorithms in the background which rate the drivers driving habits (e. g. a speed challenge will rate the driver positive if he is driving according the speed limit, negative otherwise). A challenge consists of different factors which are the type, the reachability and the duration. All you have to do is to create a challenge and decide how your challenge should look like.
And the best thing – Creating a challenge is for free!
We offer to increase your customer base. For this we ask you to give your challenge contestants a discount on their next shopping trip at your shop. The amount of the discount is based on the competetive placement of the contestant in your challenge (eg. 1st place receives highest discount, last place receives minmum discount). We ask you to compensate our efforts with a 1% share of the contestant’s turnover in your shop. We will bill you one week after your challenge ended to make sure to send as much as possible customers into your shop.
You can only win and we take all the risk – if no one participates in your challenge, no one will actually receive a discount and we dont get paid for our efforts, but you still got free advertising space for your challenge. Sounds fair – doesn’t it!