We are Drrive


Real Time Assistant

We don’t like paying tickets and you either. Our App warns you about traffic jams, police controls and any other disturbance on the street.

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Real Time Assistant

Speed Challenge

Driving too fast can be costly and dangerous. We will help you to adapt to the current speed limit and reward you with discounts.

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Speed Challenge

Sensible Driving Challenge

Our OBD device informs about your current speed and fuel consumption. Our goal is that you save money by driving efficient and avoiding traffic tickets.

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Sensible Driving

Tire Pressure

People are likely to forget about checking their tire pressure, which can be really dangerous. Our tire pressure sensors will keep you save while spending time in your car.

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Tire Pressure
Tire Pressure

Parking Assistant

We know that parking backwards or parallel can sometimes be quite stressful and our parking assistant will take that stress away from you.

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Parking Assistant

Drrive Assistant Systems and Challenges


Saving money and protecting the environment is a benefit no one else besides Drrive can offer you. Every Drrive Challenge offers you discounts in your daily shopping life.


Your Economic Benefits

Additionally to being safer in your car, saving money and protecting the environment, every Drrive Challenge offers you discounts in your daily shopping life. From which store you get the discount and how much you get off depends on the challenge you participate in. The discount rises at the ratio of points you collect. For example: if you participate in the Drrive Challenge of your local grocery store you will receive your discount there.

Your Safety Benefits

Drrive warns you about traffic jams, police controls and any other disturbance on the streets. To guarantee a high confidence in the real time information we need your help! Assist us by reporting incidents along your way and earn additional challenge points.

drrive warnings

Speed Challenge


We challenge you to adapt to the current speed limit. If you drive at or below the speed limit we will reward you with challenge points to improve your position in the leader score. If you drive faster than the speed limit we will punish you with the loss of challenge points. The more points you collect the bigger is your discount.

Sensible Driving Challenge


We love our planet very much and we want you to do too. After purchasing our very own OBD device this kind of challenge will be available for you. Nothing is more annoying than overly priced fuel. But can help you with that! We compare the prices of different gas stations and tell you the cheapest nearby.
